Write for AwsJunkie

Write for AwsJunkie


One can cite countless reasons for not sharing articles / content on this Blog / Website. Well, I provide a few points on why you should and hope you give it a thought:

  • Your knowledge when shared with others might just make their day.
  • You would increase the footfall on your website by increasing backlinks (rel="follow" in author profile) of your blog / website . Some of them might end up as avid users of your website.
  • Your following would increase on all the social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin) via authorlink (rel="author").


This Website is all about programming and technology. If you decide to contribute, the following would be the preferred topics for this site:

  • Java, J2EE, Servlet, JSP, JSF, ANT Script, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Maven, jQuery, JSON, log4j, Logback, Slf4j, EJB, Webservices, xml, xsl, jstl, javascript, html development tutorials / articles.
  • Feel free to suggest your own topics – that's perfectly fine too.
  • 'Hello World!' examples with full source code.
  • Programming tips and tricks.
  • Server installation / configuration / administration guide.
  • New software / utility tool related information.


Here are a few tricks to help make the process of writing articles less tedious

  • Supported Format: MS Word, Text, PDF, PPT, OpenOffice, OpenDocument.
  • Try to use full source code instead of code snippet in the example shown in tutorial.
  • Use screenshot of different steps taken in the tutorial and to show output after execution of code.
  • Mention reference links / sites at the end
  • Feel free to highlight code lines in your tutorial / article. We'll convert those to html page with highlighted code lines before publish.
  • Archive ('.zip' / '.rar' / '.gzip') and email following artifacts at [email protected] to get it published within 1-2 days.
    • Article in the supported format
    • All screenshots / images
    • Source codes
    • Export (archive) of the project
  • Provide following details (if available) for Author's Profile section
    • For profile picture share Hash / email id of Gravatar account. Gravatar is used to manage globally recognized avatar.
    • Profile id / url of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin)
    • Url of your site / blog
    • A couple of lines about yourself.
  • Example:

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

We appreciate your contribution.